If you’re a small shop owner with merchandise that competes with the giant retailers, use your ingenuity, not your wallet, to out-merchandise them. How is that possible, you ask? It can be done by carefully planning your store floor and displaying the key merchandise in an innovative way.
First, visualize that big store that has hundreds of square feet of space. It’s lined with rows and rows of gondola shelving, each with a perpendicular end-cap highlighting a particular product on the shelves. If you simply change the consecutive rows of gondolas so that there are breaks in the aisles, or arrange the gondolas in cascading rows, you’ve taken a step to differentiate yourself. On your end cap, add a product vignette or lifestyle scene using props and mannequins to give your customer the product experience. Now, you’ve used your ingenuity and your individualism to give your customer a more interesting display.
Next, bring in premium fixtures that rival the big gondolas. Make sure they’re in good condition. Deviate from white with a rich chocolate brown or an eggshell color. Look for gently used premium fixtures that will fit your budget – they are out there, you just need to look.
If you need advice or guidance, don’t be shy about asking for a design consultation. MidAtlantic Store Fixtures has professional designers on staff who will gladly assist you with great ideas that fit your budget. If you purchase $1,000 in fixtures – which is easy to do if you’re upgrading or remodeling — your design consultation is included.
Have confidence in your ability to merchandise your retail floor to attract the customer who wants a small-store experience.