If your retail space is in a building graced with historic architecture or even a contemporary design, use it to your advantage in displaying merchandise. Trying to make the environment something it’s not or attempting to hide the original intentions of the building can backfire. If you smoothly incorporate your retail floor design with the existing design, you’ll get a look that’s seamless and timeless.
For more traditional architectural design, try traditional colors. Display cases in wood grains like mahogany or cherry are more conservative and acceptable because they are soothing and stately. Position the cases not only for traffic flow but in a way that makes them seem like they were meant for the room. For example, if you have an alcove, create a space that looks like it was specifically designed for that display case. It can be vertical or horizontal to add eye-catching interest. Just be sure the area around the case is wide enough to stock inventory easily. Use lighting to highlight the case contents. Other smart ideas for alcoves include shelving or pegboard cut to fit.
If your retail floor is not a perfect square, creatively use the angles and shapes to showcase things like single mannequins, stacks of inventory or round cylinder containers. If you’re fresh out of ideas like these, find someone who has some creative energy.
Schedule a store fixture consultation with an expert in retail floor design to help you to generate ideas. Mid-Atlantic Store Fixtures provides this service, in an effort to help you use your retail space most effectively.