Now that you have your gondola shelving chosen, the starter kit in hand, the shelves spaced properly and the base secured, double check the safety and the braces before you begin choosing your accessories. Brace yourself for braces in three places: bottom, center and top. Braces are important for tip-prevention and should not be overlooked. Each reinforces the other.

Now, it’s time to make that gondola shelving your own, by personalizing it with the unlimited number and types of accessories available to gondola owners. From the hundreds of options, we’ve chosen 10 that might kick your creativity into gear:

  • Wire Bins – These come in all shapes and sizes, and can be used to display and store smaller items that might be sold in quantity — items like pens, pencils, erasers, rubber bands, or even wine bottles or travel-sized products. The key here is to buy the bins in a quantity package, like 10 or more.

  • Shelf Dividers – The purpose of the shelf divider is to create organization, with a specific space for each different item. The shelf dividers are often used in grocery stores to separate condiments, canned goods, or bread. The dividers help to create a neater display. They come in solid laminate or wire, in a variety of sizes. They are fastened magnetically, by physical attachment, or by multiple units connected horizontally.

  • Shelf Fences – Shelf fences literally fence in the product. They are wire or plastic barriers that are placed around the ends of the shelf to keep the product from falling off the shelf.

  • Wood Crate Bins – Instead of wire bins, many stores opt for the wooden bins. You’ll see these most often in liquor stores or grocery store bread bins. They are deeper and larger than wire bins and the wood creates a cozier atmosphere for merchandise display.

  • Price Tag Molding – The molding is sold as a long strip that will slide easily onto the front of the gondola shelving, providing a slotted space for price cards under each product. The molding can be wooden, plastic, or wire, each giving your gondola a customized look.

  • Store Signage Holders – Every store needs signage. Gondola shelving allows for flexible locations for product signage. Wood, metal or plastic signs can be used, depending on your store décor and sign holders. Of course, the holders for any signage must also be able to support the sign’s weight and communicate the store’s image.

  • End cap displays – Most gondola manufacturers provide matching end-cap displays that can be easily added to your gondola shelving. These are primarily used to feature particular products, and have space for signage and a variety of product sizes. Change out the end cap frequently, since it’s in a spotlight position.

  • Peg Hooks – Give your gondola shelving more depth by placing product on peg hooks that jut from the back of the shelf. The hooks come in various lengths and thicknesses. Some have a double wire hangar and others have single. Peg hooks are great for packages of candy, nuts, and trail mix, and are often found in convenience stores.

  • Spring loader pusher – This little convenience comes as part of a shelf divider. As product is taken from the shelving “aisle,” or division, the automatic spring-loaded pusher pushes the next item forward to take its slot.

  • Slatwall and Gridwall – The back of your gondola shelving can be smartly used space. Next month, we’ll give you some hints on how to use slatwall and gridwall with your gondola shelving to make the most creative displays.(Think color and product showcase!)